Micah's story unfolds in the heart of Colorado, where he spent his formative years in a content, middle-class Boulder family with a touch of hippie influence. His father, a dedicated home builder, and his mother, a legal secretary, provided a stable "two-income" household.
Watching his father toil under the relentless Colorado sun, constructing homes, left an enduring impression on young Micah. It planted a seed of determination never to tread the same path.
After high school, Micah ventured to Santa Barbara, California, for college. Yet, he found himself captivated by the burgeoning inbound call center industry. Seeing owners amass fortunes lured him in, eventually leading to his role as a lead sales trainer in a new San Diego call center.
Corporate life beckoned, but Micah's idealism was shattered when he witnessed a hostile takeover of his friends' company. This marked his only traditional job. From there, he embarked on an entrepreneurial journey. Through hard work and years of dedication Micah has created one of the most recognized names in the trading industry. He is an expert in AL Robot technology and is an intricate part of the BluPrint Worldwide Corporate Team.