BluPrint Opportunity

Hear about the BluPrint Opportunity and why it was created directly from the Founder Bwana Thurman

Why was BluPrint created?
To show people how to have a REAL financial plan in life! Currently there is a financial illiteracy epedimic taking place in our country and BluPrint was specifically designed to help people get their financial house in order. We will show our clients through education and technology how to manage their money, protect their money, multiply their money and create a future that we all desire in our lives. Can you imagine a future of financial peace and helping other people create an inheritance for their children's children?

This company was also created because I got sick and tired of so many companies in this Financial industry doing it the wrong way! I got tired of people getting scammed, making false promises and not delivering. I have never understood why companies feel like they need to get over on people, especially in the Forex space which happens to be a multi-trillion dollar a day industry. It is one of, if not the largest industry in the world and typically this type of information is usually only accessible to the very wealthy or people who have been born into the right family. In my opinion, there is too much money to be made and enough for everyone. I wanted to create a platform that people could feel good about and know that this will be here for years to come.

What technology and tools do you offer at BluPrint and can they help everyone?

We are providing multiple technologies for our financial education Academy's! In addition to live classes every week, and a robust online learning center to issue online assignments and track online progress, we are incorporating AI technology and Machine Learning tools & programs that will truly help people multiply their money and get their financial house in order.

The BluPrint Financial & Trade Academy's not only offers an online custom financial education platform, we also have several tools to support one's educational progress that will ultimately help people prosper as they go through the process. As a Free BONUS to any of our students enrolled, we are pleased to give them the option to use our debt reducing automated AI trading robot--EXCELERATOR! This bot is designed to help everyone...even if you are a novice to the Forex industry or may not even want to learn how to trade manually, but still would like to participate in this multi-trillion dollar industry.

We have very simple set-up instructions for our customers. This auto trading robot will do everything that needs to be done in the trading process. The Excelerator will pick the trade, analyze the trade, take the trade, manage the trade and close the trade. One of the biggest reasons we chose to give away this product is because so many companies actually take money from people in this industry. Our technology allows you to set up your own broker account, manage your own funds and determine your own risk are 100% in control. More details about Excelerator can be found in our manual & video explanations.

Is this valuable for everyone?

Whether you're in a tough financial season or a prosperous financial season, the BluPrint Financial Academy and BluPrint Trade Academy caters to and will provide solutions and value to all socioeconomic groups! Our holistic educational approach to financial independence combined with our proprietary technology and managed fund gives anyone a chance to reach whatever financial goals you may desire.

How will BluPrint potentially change my life and has it helped anyone so far?

The best part of BluPrint is that our Financial Academy, Trade Academy and Technology tools have already helped thousands of people become financially independent across the country before we met you. By continuing to make our systems more robust and fostering synergistic partnerships, it's becoming easier to help people achieve their goals and dreams. In addition, our technology tools have been historically backtested for years and use advanced algorithms and data analytics based on over 10 years of historical data. Every year, the software proves to win over 70% and has been profitable year after year...YOU CAN BE NEXT!

How can I get started?

Every BluPrint Affiliate or Customer is referred by another Customer or Affiliate. To learn how you can become a part of BluPrint, please contact the person that referred you to this site. It takes less than 5 minutes to enroll and choose which academy you want to start with.